indiches restaurant in wien

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  • Veg Biryani

    (German) :- leicht würziges Reisgericht mit ganzen, traditionellen Gewürzen und frischem Gemüse. Mit der besten Qualität, Basmati Reis, verteilen Sie den Geschmack in tiefen Schichten, um jedem Bissen ein reichhaltiges Aroma zu verleihen. Optional mit Naan überbacken (4,5 Euro Aufpreis und mind. 25 Min. Wartezeit) C, G, H (English) :-A mildly spiced rice dish with whole traditional spices and fresh vegetables. Using the best quality Basmati rice, the flavor is spread in deep layers to give each bite a rich aroma. Optional with naan baked on top (4.5 Euro extra charge and a minimum 25-minute wait time) C, G, H


Dear guests,

We are very sorry to inform you that Kumar's Kitchen will be temporarily closed. This decision was made due to unforeseen circumstances that currently do not allow us to continue our usual service and food offer in the usual


We are working intensively to resume our operations as soon as possible and will inform you in good time about the planned reopening.

We thank you very much for your understanding and support during this time. We look forward to welcoming you back soon!

Best regards,

Your Kumar's Kitchen team

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